Welcome to Masterworks Chorus of the Shenandoah Valley

Welcome to Masterworks Chorus of the Shenandoah Valley

Monday, October 10, 2022

Chordially Yours

 https://youtu.be/hvc4BzYBpEA "The work of Christmas"

https://youtu.be/N9gXWuqZcNw.  "Betelehemu"

https://youtu.be/ndyywXwjxjQ "Tis the Season"

https://youtu.be/EAVtd2aHG_Q "Children, Go where I send thee"

https://youtu.be/cwLiZ0rLTNk "We Believe"

https://youtu.be/YPqCP0UiPI0 "Emmanuel"

https://youtu.be/F9tFOEke_Lo "Anthem for Christmas"

Women's songs

https://youtu.be/iuSPPxLr8cU "Go Tell it on the Mountain"

https://youtu.be/5EbTU2-_cwg "Eneza Upendo" (Spread Love)Men’s Songs

Men's songs
https://youtu.be/V4qawEfENWQ “Beautiful Star of Bethlehem”

https://youtu.be/MwgA2mJnwIY “The Shepherd’s Spiritual”

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Scott's Mom

Wanted to let you know that Scott's mother had a stroke today and was admitted to RMH.  She has some partial paralysis on her right side and is not able to walk.  Scott asked that I share this with the chorus and he would appreciate all prayers. Will let you know if I hear anything else.  Scott has some friends and church members with him at the hospital.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

News from Ramona

I will be typing official minutes of the annual meeting in the near future, but wanted to provide a few highlights.
We passed the budget that was sent out on Monday by e-mail.  We have our work cut out for us as our balance is very low right now, but we are optimistic that we can raise the needed funds to keep our organization healthy and strong. Please watch for opportunities to participate in this process.
Karen and Steve Van Stee have offered a very important challenge.  They are generously pledging $1,000 to MWC to help with summer finances and 2017-18 start-up budget, and are challenging members of the chorus to matchthis amount.  This does not mean that you have to give $1,000 individually, but if you can give something or ask someone else to give something, we will attempt to raise $1,000 collectively.  Checks can be made payable to Masterworks Chorus and mailed to P.O. Box 752, Woodstock, VA.  I will ask the treasurer(s) to inform me of the donations coming in so I can send you a running total of our results. By the way, we raised $175 at the Silent Auction.
The following slate of officers was elected to take office July 1, 2017:
President--Karen Van Stee
Vice-President--Julie Moomaw
Secretary--Sue Dietz
Co-Treasurers--Dee Black and Remy Pangle
Members at Large--Denise Brownlee, Ellie Haun, and Melisa Thomas
You will notice that the office of Pres.-Elect is vacant as Robb Cypher withdrew his name from the nomination.  We are now in need of a Pres. Elect. Please see the description below: 
The President-Elect shall work closely with the President in preparation for assuming the duties of the President toward the end of his/her term. The President-Elect shall direct his/her creativity toward the long-range goals of the organization and the role of the Chorus in the surrounding communities. The President-Elect should keep a close ear to the concerns of the membership and assist the President in maintaining open communication within the organization.
The "old" and "new" Board will have a retreat on Sat. July 8 from 9 to 3 at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church at Basye.  All chorus members are invited to attend.  We will look at by-laws, handbook, and long-range goals. Please bring your ideas and food for a pot-luck lunch.
We will again participate in the Shenandoah County Yard Crawl on Saturday, August 12.  We have two outdoor spaces reserved at Manor Memorial UM Church in New Market.  We will need lots and lots of donations--good condition items (no clothing please) and lots of help.  We will likely set up on Friday evening and sell on Sat. More info forthcoming. Save the date!

Yard Crawl

We have 2 spaces reserved at Manor Memorial UMC in New Market on August 12.
Start saving treasures for the Yard Crawl!
We'll also offer some drinks and snacks.

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Annual Meeting Silent Auction


From Ramona: 

I am still waiting to hear from several folks concerning the annual meeting on June 5.  If you don't think you've responded yet, please let me know whether or not you plan to attend and if you will bring a guest.  We need to have a quorum to conduct our business.  
This is a very short notice, and I apologize for that, but the thought occured to me just a few days ago that perhaps we could have a simple silent auction in conjunction with the annual meeting. One member mentioned to me on the drive back from Sunnyside that she had purchased a very delicious quart of soup at an auction our chorus held years ago, and that led to the idea that we could boost our treasury in this manner. So, put on your thinking cap and look for things that you might be able to furnish--white elephant items and other treasures, canned products, baked goods, MWC merchandise, and the list goes on.  If you have something you wish to donate, but don't plan to attend the meeting, let me know and I can arrange to pick it up.  Again, since this is short notice, please don't stress over this if you have nothing to bring.  Just be sure to bring your wallet.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Delores Dyer 's address

 Delores Dyer is at Dutch Haven Assisted Living Center, 257 Toll House Rd., Maurertown, VA  22644.  Her sister Sylvia's funeral is May 27.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

A Note from Tim Keck

I was happy to contribute a modest amount (and only a modest amount this time) to the program.  Which, by the way, was fabulous.  I have never heard the chorus sound better--balance, dynamics, enthusiasm, and simply musicianship..  And the program was a delightful mix of the spoken word and a thoughtfully varied musical program.  The audience Sunday (including my wife and I) was thrilled; I'm sure you all could feel that.