Welcome to Masterworks Chorus of the Shenandoah Valley

Welcome to Masterworks Chorus of the Shenandoah Valley

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Note from Ramona

Just wanted to let members of the chorus know that last week Scott took a tumble off a sidewalk (curb) and fractured his ankle (actually chipped the bone, I believe).  He is having a good bit of pain, so please keep him in your prayers!  
Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas.

Friday, December 2, 2016

Mt. Calvary call time

Please be at the church no later than 5:55 p.m.
Those traveling from Woodstock and northern Shen. Co., please be aware that this evening there will "LIght Up Woodstock" activities going on, so you might want to avoid town.  I believe the parade starts at 6 p.m.   
Tonight is the "real thing" so don't forget to wear your concert attire.  (Sorry, no pajama bottoms or flip flops). Avoid scented products, please.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Directions to Mt. Calvary

Coming north on Rt.11 (Main St.) turn left at Dellinger's Funeral Home (left on Orkney Drive). Drive past the Methodist Church and park in the large lot on the left behind the church. Walk back out to Main St., turn left and go about a block to Mt. Calvary Church on the left.

Coming south on Rt. 11 (Main St.) you will turn right at Dellinger's Funeral Home (right on Orkney Drive). Drive past the Methodist Church and park in the large lot on the left behind the church. Walk back out to Main St., turn left and go about a block to Mt. Calvary Church on the left,

The social hall is on the left side as you face the church; the sanctuary is on the right (red door).

Monday, November 28, 2016

Dress Rehearsal at Reformation

Rehearsal tonight at Reformation Lutheran in New Market.  

6:15 - Helpers for unloading risers, piano, etc. needed early 

6:40 - Men arrive and stand on risers for rehearsal of WHITE CHRISTMAS--bring
          original song (red cover)
           Women begin to arrive and find their name on the pew and sit quietly.
6:55 - Rehearsal begins for THE CONCERT.  
Have MUSIC alphabetized in black folder.  

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Nov.28 rehearsal

Remember that on Monday, Nov. 28 we will be rehearsing at Reformation Lutheran Church in New Market.  
Scott would like for the men to rehearse White Christmas at 6:45 p.m.  Ladies arrive by 6:55.
Keep working on your music over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend.  

Monday, November 21, 2016

Nov. 21 Dress Rehearsal

Just wanted to remind you that we are rehearsing tonight at Antioch Church of the Brethren, 23502 Senedo Rd. (Rt. 42--about a mile past Walmart on the left).  For tonight, you can park in the side parking lot. Please arrive no later than 6:55 p.m. ready to sing. Ramona's cell phone no. is 540- 335-2465 if you should have a problem.
Please put your music in the following order before rehearsal  This is for Lessons and Carols. Do bring all of your music, however.
 Jesus Child                                                       
 Mary, Did you Know?                            
Angels We Have Heard on High               
Rise Up!                                      
Do You Hear What I Hear? 
O Holy Night  
Go Light Your World
Silent Night  (in program)              

Monday, November 14, 2016


Dress Rehearsals:

Nov.   21    Antioch Church of the Brethren, 

Nov. 28       Reformation Lutheran Church, 
                   New Market                

Dec.    1     Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church, 
                  Main St.,Mt. Jackson
                  (park behind the Methodist Church
                   in back of Dellinger Funeral Home)

No concert attire required

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Nov. 14 rehearsal (Woodstock)

Monday:  6:35 - 9:00 - Women
                6:55 - 9:20 - Men

Reminder: Deadlines for printing

Deadlines for business ads, In Memory/In Honor of, regular donors, and actual program information:
v Business card ads – deadline Friday, November 18th
v In Memory/In Honor of – deadline Monday, November 21st
v Regular donors – deadline Monday, November 21st
v Program Order/liturgy/Changes/Additions – Tuesday, November 22nd
v Printer Deadline – Wednesday, November 29th

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Nov. 7 Rehearsal

EVERYONE  be at Emanuel Lutheran in Woodstock from 6:55 - 9 p.m.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Nov. 3 Rehearsal Changes


WOMEN: 6:30 - 9

MEN: 8 - 9:30

Monday, October 31, 2016

Oct. 31



Friday, October 28, 2016

"In Memory of / In Honor of" program notices

Just a reminder that there will be NO rehearsal on Monday, October 31 so that you may participate in Trick or Treating--be safe!  (Men will rehearse tonight (Fri.) at Manor Memorial).
Everyone will have a rehearsal on Thursday, Nov. 3 at Emanuel Lutheran in Woodstock. 

Please continue sending donor letters, and consider claiming a block in the program in honor or in memory of someone.The Board has voted in favor of a $25 cost.  Guidelines for these dedications are as follows:

v  Each block would contain/list one category, either In Memory or In Honor.
v  Each block would be priced individually as per Board decision ($25)
v  Each block would be uniform in size and style.
v  Each block entry would have
o   Name(s) of the person(s), pet, business in memoriam or honor: sample- Mr. & Mrs. So and So; Mr. I Love MWC, Beloved Smokie, etc.
o   Brief comment as per purchaser (one line of text): sample – You are greatly missed; we think the world of you; The best pal you could have, etc.
o   Name(s) of the purchaser(s)
v  All blocks will be printed in black and white only. Color pages are quite expensive. 
v These would be used for the Christmas concert season only. We can redo for spring concerts in 2017.

Thursday, October 27, 2016


Hi All,

I am asking us to use the timeline listed below to get our programs to the printers by November 29th:

  Business Card Ads-   deadline Friday, November 18th

  In Memory/In Honor of – deadline Monday, November 21st

  Regular donors – deadline Monday, November 21st

  Program Order/liturgy/Changes/Additions – Tuesday,  November 22nd

  Printer Deadline – Wednesday, November 29th

  Thanks,  Gina

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Oct.28 /Nov.3 rehearsals

FRIDAY Oct.28: Men rehearse 6:55-9  p.m. at Manor Memorial

FRIDAY Nov.3: all rehearse 6:55-9 p.m. at Emmanuel Lutheran

Monday, October 24, 2016

Oct. 24 and 28 Rehearsals

Tonight everyone rehearses at Manor Memorial; Fri. the 28th- just the men.


Sunday, October 16, 2016

Oct.17 Rehearsal

The women of the chorus welcome the tenors and basses back to Manor Memorial Methodist Church Monday night!

Monday, October 10, 2016

Thanks, Dee!

Thanks to Dee Black who led a fantastic rehearsal for the women. We worked all the way through "Jingle Bells" and did a couple of pages on "Jesus Child."

Oct. 10 Rehearsal/Oct.28

The women are rehearsing in NEW MARKET tonight!

The men are rehearsing on Oct.28.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Mon. Oct. 3 Rehearsal

Don't forget that Monday, Oct. 3, Masterworks will rehearse at Manor Memorial UM Church at 9320 N. Congress St., New Market, VA in the Fellowship Hall.  Time will be the same--6:55 to 9:00 p.m. 
If you wish to carpool from Woodstock, please meet at Rite Aid no later than 6:25 p.m.  Let me know if you plan to carpool so we can be on the lookout for you.   Ramona

Dear Chorus:

Monday's rehearsal at Manor Memorial UMC will take place in Farrow Hall (the fellowship hall).  There should be parking on Congress St. in front of the church.  If you need to park in the parking lot behind the church, take the sidewalk between the church and the house around to the front entrance of the building.  At the front entrance, you will angle left and go up several concrete steps to get into Farrow Hall (sign over the door).  If steps are a problem for you, there is a black metal ramp in between Farrow Hall and the sanctuary that will also take you into the hall.  

Directions to the Church are simple: Take the 264 exit off I 81 and go east at the stop sign into town.  Go left at the 2nd stop light . The church is one block on your right.
If you approach the church on Rt. 11 (from the north), keep your eyes open after passing through the stop light intersection with Rt. 211E.  After you pass Reformation Lutheran church on the right, there are two churches on your left.  MMUMC is the second of the two.   

On another issue, as many of you will know, I missed rehearsal last Monday because my brother in law, Jon has been suffering with a serious illness.  Sadly, Jon died yesterday from heart failure.  My wife and I appreciate your continued prayers for our family in this time.  I am grateful for our bond of faith, friendship, and song.

Bruce Johnson   

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Things to Remember for Rehearsal, Sept.26

Be ready to start at 6:55 p.m.!

Arrange your music in alphabetical order (check  Christmas Music 2016 at    www.masterworkschorusblog.blogspot.com

Return music we will not be singing

Bring a list of 5 people to whom you will send fundraising letters. Julie Moomaw has stamps and will give you 5 stamps if you bring 5 names.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

A Note from Ramona for Mon., 9/19 rehearsal

In a previous e-mail you were asked to look through your files for music we have sung before.  I have rewritten the list of music in alphabetical order if this would be helpful to you.  Please be sure the arranger matches because we have different versions of some songs.  The selections listed below are in addition to the three new pieces that were handed out at Monday's rehearsal.  Please put your music in alphabetical order for Monday's rehearsal.  The only piece I could not locate in my collection was Noel Nouvelet.  Happy Hunting!
1.    Angels We Have Heard On High- arr. Donald McCullough 
2.    *Betelehemu - SATB - arr. Barrington Brooks
3.    *Breath of Heaven - SATB – arr. Craig Courtney 
4.    Christmas Pops Trio - arr. Jay Althouse
5.    Deck The Hall - SATB - John Rutter 
6.       Huron Carol (#3 Carols of the Nativity) - Stephen Chatman - SATB  
7.       *Jesus Child - SATB - John Rutter 
8.    Joy To The World - SATB - John Rutter
9.    Noel Nouvelet - Arr. Richard Zgodava 
10.   *O Holy Night - SATB - Gustav Hoist 
11.   Sweet Little Jesus Boy - SATB - arr. Ken Berg 
      12.   We wish you a Merry Christmas - SATB - John Rutter 
* Previously sung with Scott as Director


Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Here we go again!

Hope you are looking forward to the new Masterworks season to begin on Monday (Sept. 12) at Emanuel Lutheran Church in Woodstock.  Below is the schedule we will follow for this rehearsal :
  • 6:30- 7:00 - Socializing/meet/greet with light refreshments provided by the Board
  • 7:00 - 8:15 - Rehearsal of music you will find on your chair when you arrive.  (Chairs will be labeled Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass and you sit appropriately.) 
  • 8:15 - Guidelines/Rules/Schedules/Questions
  • 8:30 - Introductions - Board member information (fundraising, ticket sales, teams, )
  • Immediately after board announcements- Auditions (informal - sit in the hallway outside of choir room and wait for Scott).  
  • Dues can be paid at the end of announcements.   
  • Future rehearsals are 6:55 - 9:00 with a break.  Bring water!
 Do any of you know of someone who is planning to come for the first time and possibly audtion? 

The Board will be meeting after rehearsal.  All members are welcome to attend Board meetings.

Rehearsal Calendar:  

 Sept. 12, 19, 26 at Emanuel Lutheran, Woodstock

 Oct.     3, 10, 17, 24 at Manor Memorial 
                                 Methodist Church, New Market
             No rehearsal Oct. 31

THURSDAY Nov. 3   at Emanuel

Nov.     7, 14 at Emanuel

Dress Rehearsals:

Nov.   21, 28 at Antioch Church of the Brethren, 
                     Woodstock,and Reformation Lutheran Church, 
                      New Market                

Dec.    1  at Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church, Mt. Jackson

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Yard Crawl results

Wanted to report to you the success of our participation in the Yard Crawl held Saturday. MWC netted $600 from the sale of donated items and snacks!  Thanks to those who helped with setting up, transporting, pricing, selling, taking down, more transporting, and of course donating. A special thanks goes to Erica Hepner and her family for allowing us to set up in their yard.  They were very gracious hosts, and even their sons were great helpers. Several of our Board members braved the heat and stuck it out all day Saturday.  We also had rack cards to hand out with info on rehearsals and concerts, so we had a chance to touch base with potential singers and audience members.  Robb and Richard were "kings of publicity" in this respect.  Our left-over items were taken to area thrift stores.
Be sure you have Sept. 12 marked on your calendar as our first rehearsal!

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Something nice Ramona heard about us

I wanted to mention a big compliment (and promotion) that our chorus received on Wednesday. I met with a small group of retired teachers from two of my former schools, and one has attended several of our concerts at New Market. She was telling everyone how they should attend a MWC concert, and in particular mentioned how great the spring concert was. I believe she said, "It was so rousing, that [she] didn't want it to be over." She also mentioned our "director" whose personality just drew in the audience. So, Scott, don't let that go to your head too much! It's nice to hear these kinds of comments.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Devers Funeral

Ellen Devers and her husband donated to Masterworks well and enjoyed our concerts. She died recently and has a memorial service at Manor Memorial in New Market, Sat. July 16 at 2 PM. Ellie will attend and support her husband Bob.
Others may wish to know about this and attend.

Monday, July 11, 2016

July Board Meeting

The next board meeting is July 18, 7 p.m. at St. Mary's Pine Church.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Annual Meeting

At last the Board has been able to finalize our plans for the MWC annual pot-luck dinner/meeting.  It will be held on Friday June 17, 2016 at St. Mary's Pine Lutheran Church (7103 S. Middle Rd., Mt. Jackson, VA).  Meet and greet will take place starting at 5:30 p.m. with dinner at 6:00 p.m., followed by the business meeting.  This is a very important time for all members to get together to reflect on the past year and look ahead to next season.  We will vote on the budget and elect officers. Attendees are asked to bring a covered dish (with food in it).  Board members will provide drinks and paper products.  Please let me know if you plan to attend (spouses may attend as well).
Since this is our 20th anniversary (or somewhere around there), we will display memorabilia from the past 20 years.  I have programs and some news articles/pictures to bring.  If you have other things to display, please bring them, and/or if you have other ideas about how we can make this a special event, please let me know.
FYI:  The nominating committee will present the following slate of officers for next year:
President: Julie Moomaw
Vice-President: Karen Van Stee
President-Elect:  Richard Vaught
Secretary:  Ramona Daugherty
Treasurer:  Bruce Dillon
Members-at-large:  Bruce Johnson; one or two open positions
Nominations will be accepted from the floor.
Enjoy the sun!

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Comments on the spring concert

Diane Bishop Hanson That was the theme of Masterworks Chorus of the Shenandoah Valley concert last weekend. Great concert, and very timely, with it's love, peace, let's get along message ("I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing")

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Free Organ Concert at Reformation Lutheran Church

Elizabeth Williams will present Handel’s Organ Concerto No. 13 in F Major (also referred to as “The Cuckoo and the Nightingale”) on Thursday, May 12th, 7:00pm, at Reformation Lutheran Church in New Market. She will be accompanied by the Stonewall Jackson High School Orchestra, under the direction of Robert Curry. Elizabeth will also play solo organ works including two movements from “Suite Gothique,” by Leon Boellmann.

This event is free concert. 

Hope you can come!


Monday, May 9, 2016

Directions to VMRC

1501 Virginia Avenue
Harrisonburg, VA 22802
Toll free 1-​877-506-4952
Directions from the North: from website
·         Take I-81 south to exit 251
·         Turn left at stop sign (I think there is a light--in any case, turn left onto Rt. 11 South-- North Valley Pike)
·         Continue 2.4 miles, turn right onto Mt. Clinton Pike
·         Go 1.3 miles, turn right at second stoplight (VA Route 42 North)
·         Continue .5 miles, turn left into VMRC main entrance  (If you get to Harmony Square, you've gone too far)

Richard’s directions: (I added a little bit in)

VMRC (Crestwood) is on the North side of Harrisonburg off of Rt. 42.  

If you come down I-81 from the north: 
- Exit at the first Harrisonburg exit (Rt. 11 South) near the Pilot Station
- Turn left at light to head south on Rt. 11 (a little over 2 miles)
- Turn Right on Mt. Clinton Pike and go to second light
- Turn Right on Rt. 42 and go about 1/2 mile
- See Crestwood on the left and turn left at the main VMRC entrance
- Turn left at entrance and the turn left again choosing Crestwood rather than Oak Lea
- There is parking before the large canopy or go around to left side of building to park.
We sing in Strite Auditorium.

Or you can follow Rt. 42 the whole way looking for the VMRC entrance when the speed limit goes down.  It is about .3  mile beyond Hamony Square (Food Lion/Dairy Queen).

Friday, May 6, 2016


Tonight-- May 6--Concert at Antioch Church of the Brethren at 7:30 p.m. 
                 Call time at 6:00 p.m. 
                 BE DRESSED, IN FORMATION, 
                AND READY TO SING
Park in big parking lot in back of church. There is a door to enter on the left side of the church--not sure if it will be unlocked.
·         Saturday, May 7--Concert at Muhlenberg Lutheran, Harrisonburg at 7:30 p.m. .Call time at 6:00 p.m. 
      Sunday, May 8--Concert at Reformation Lutheran, New Market at 3 p.m. Call time at 1:45 p.m.
            Monday, May 9--Concert at Virginia Mennonite Retirement Community (VMRC) in Harrisonburg
                                        at 7:00 p.m. Call time at 6:00 p.m.

             NO ALCOHOL.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Notes for Antioch Church dress rehearsal

Becky, from Antioch returned Robb's call and confirmed that they are ready for us on Friday. They have placed the concert announcement on at least the one side of their church sign on Rt 42. She also asked that on Thursdaywe not go into the church/sanctuary until 6 PM. Their cleaning crew does their work on Thursday evenings and really does not want anyone in that area until 6PM. She asked we enter by the side door which leads directly into the sanctuary, and will  place a sign to mark that entry.  At 6, the cleaning crew will be out of the sanctuary but will still be cleaning other areas of the church. We will be able to set up as we need to Thursday.  
On Friday there are no time constraints, and we can come in at our call time. (6 p.m.) Becky will be working there Friday and will most likely be there to let us in.

VMRC Concert and call time

Just a note to let you know that I need to make a correction on the concert time for VMRC next Monday, May 9.  We are singing at 7 p.m.  Call time will still be at 6 p.m.

Blocking notes from Scott

Thursday- We will briefly work on some rough areas of some pieces, and then run the show.  There will be some flubs, mix ups, confusion, but get sleep, warm your voices, review your music without using your vocal cords so much,  and read a book like DON'T SWEAT THE SMALL STUFF,  and every one will be fine.  :)    Thanks for your continued support, respect, and most of all hard work.  

Peace and love - Scott 

p.s. check your email for the blocking notes. 

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Dress rehearsals and Concert Schedule with call times

Special Note from the Board:
Attendance is mandatory at all dress rehearsals and concerts, including VMRC (unless a dire emergency or serious illness is involved). The whole chorus suffers when a person is missing this late in the process. As you know, we sing together as a chorus, not a collection of individuals. The concert at VMRC is for donations, but is still very much a part of our fundraising efforts. We are providing them with a full, one-hour program, and are paying our outside musicians to be with us for all four concerts. Please watch for carpooling opportunities for the Harrisonburg trips.
Just a reminder of our remaining schedule:
·         Monday, May 2--Dress rehearsal at Muhlenberg Lutheran, Harrisonburg at 7 p.m.  Carpooling from Rite Aid in Woodstock will be available.  Watch for additional info on time to meet.
·         Thursday, May 5--Dress rehearsal at Antioch Church of the Brethren, Woodstock at 7 p.m.
·         Friday, May 6--Concert at Antioch Church of the Brethren at 7:30 p.m.  Call time at 6:00 p.m.
·         Saturday, May 7--Concert at Muhlenberg Lutheran, Harrisonburg at 7:30 p.m.  Call time at 6:00 p.m.
·         Sunday, May 8--Concert at Reformation Lutheran, New Market at 3 p.m. Call time at 1:45 p.m.
·         Monday, May 9--Concert at Virginia Mennonite Retirement Community ((VMRC) in Harrisonburg at 7 p.m.  Call time at 6:00 p.m. (corrected time)
Check the blog and have your music in concert order for Monday, May 2.

Look over your music when you have a chance, and above all, take care good of yourself for the next 11 days (and beyond)!