Welcome to Masterworks Chorus of the Shenandoah Valley

Welcome to Masterworks Chorus of the Shenandoah Valley

Wednesday, January 4, 2017


Dear Masterworks Singer,
Happy New Year! Just wanted to let you know that MWC rehearsals will resume on Monday, January 30, 2017 at Emanuel Lutheran!  We hope that you can bring a friend or two to sing.  The first rehearsal will begin at 6:30 p.m. with a meet and greet time (refreshments provided by the Board), followed by singing from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m.  A meeting with the entire choir will be held starting at 8:00 p.m. including a review of policies, introductions of Board members, etc.  Following the meeting (around 8:30 p.m.), there will be friendly auditions for new folks. 
Future rehearsals will be held on Monday evenings from 6:55 to 9:00 p.m. Please let Ramona know if you plan to sing, and please help to spread the word about our rehearsals and auditions for new singers.  Concerts are tentatively scheduled for Mother's Day weekend (May 13-14).
Hope to see you on the 30th!